
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Year, But We're Still Here.

The Economist 's 1843 magazine's second most popular image of 2018: The world isn't stupid, as most of Malta would like to believe it is. When you're cut off from the situation and are seeing it from outside the boundaries of the Maltese shores, you are truly able to see how completely mad the situation in Malta is.  It is true that it is easy to fall into the trap of doubting ourselves back here, where we are submerged in the madness. But we mustn't ever do that, because that is exactly what will lead us ' to leap on the bandwagon with the cry that if you can’t beat them, then you might as well join them'. I quote here from the article that has supplied the most strength and kept everything in the sharpest focus: my aunt's ' Right and wrong are not a popularity contest '. I think I should write here some words she wrote in that article that I quote time and time again:  There is something else I should say before I go: when people